The European Fund for Eastern Poland
Sektor: Ostpolen (Woiwodschaften: Lublin, Podlachien, Karpatenvorland, Heiligkreuz, Ermland-Masuren und Teile von Masowien)
Do you dream of having a modern and competitive company? Do you want to introduce innovative technologies, automation, robotics, and digitalization in your business? Now you have the opportunity to achieve this goal thanks to the European Funds for Eastern Poland Program (FEPW) for the years 2021-2027.
Application Deadline: August 2, 2023 – November 8, 2023
The benefits that await you:
Modernization and innovation
Improving competitiveness
Cost optimization
Increase in productivity
Check the most important information
Application deadline: August 2, 2023 – November 8, 2023
Roadmap as a mandatory application document (you can learn what a roadmap is here)
Projects that involve the acquisition and implementation of at least one industrial robot or autonomous service robot are preferred
Qualified costs: development of the roadmap, advisory services necessary for the implementation of the roadmap, acquisition of fixed assets, acquisition of software.
DBR77 will guide you through
the process of obtaining grants.
We specialize in providing advice and support for obtaining funds for projects related to robotics and digitization. Our experienced team of experts will assist you at every stage of the application process.