DBR77 is opening offices in Germany!

Expansion and further development define the next steps of DBR77 Platform. The company has officially announced the opening of a new office in Germany, marking another milestone on the path to global technological dominance. This decision underscores the importance of optimizing enterprises and demonstrates DBR77.com’s determination to listen to market needs and respond to them.

The next stage of development

This significant announcement took place on June 1, 2023, during the prestigious ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE conference. The DBR77 platform, already a technological leader, has embarked on a new challenge – starting operations in Germany from September 2023.

This step is our next milestone in the long run, with the aim of creating a global technological company that will support manufacturing plants in the transformation process.

Paweł Mroczkowski, with his extensive experience as an entrepreneur and leader, has been appointed as the COO of DBR77, taking charge of the newly opened office in Germany. His selection for this position is no coincidence. With 17 years of successful business operations in both Germany and Poland, Paweł is well-regarded for his creative approach in implementing companies and transitioning analog processes into the digital world. Now, his expertise will be leveraged on a broader scale, driving DBR77’s expansion and growth in the global market.

In addition to his practical experience, Paweł Mroczkowski has an impressive academic background. He graduated from the prestigious Harvard Business School and the Hult International Business School with a specialization in “Digital Transformation,” providing him with a strong foundation in management and business strategy. His competencies have also been recognized by Microsoft Germany, where he was invited to participate in an advisory panel on digitalization for enterprises. Furthermore, he organizes the digital transformation group at BVMW, the German association of small and medium-sized enterprises. With such qualifications and achievements, Paweł brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to lead DBR77’s expansion into the German market and beyond.

Our goals

Opening an office in Germany brings us closer to achieving the next set of goals we have set for ourselves.

Germany is one of the largest markets in Europe and at the same time, it is in the midst of intensive efforts towards digitalization and adopting modern technologies. Opening an office in Germany will enable our platform to reach new customers and business partners who are actively seeking the solutions we offer.

Opening an office abroad will also allow DBR77 Platform to attract local talents and experts in the field of technology. Expanding the team with experienced professionals will aid in the further development of the platform and strengthen its position in the market.

All these mentioned efforts also lead to an increased visibility of our brand in the European market and will help us prepare for further expansion. We expect this to attract the attention of investors, potential clients, and business partners, which will contribute to our continued positive growth and expansion of the company.

We are ready!

The decision to open an office in Germany was carefully considered and planned. We gathered valuable insights about the market needs and growth opportunities, which motivated us to take this next step – conquering the German technology sector. We are ready and excited to face the challenges that this new chapter of our development brings.

The opening of the office in Germany marks a significant milestone in the development of Platform DBR77.com. We firmly believe that our global vision will become a reality, and by supporting manufacturing facilities in their transformation process, we will contribute to creating more efficient and sustainable technological solutions. With the experience and expertise of Paweł Mroczkowski, we are confident that success is only a matter of time. Together, we are ready to embrace the future and lead the way in the world of technology.

Keep your fingers crossed! 🙂

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Publication date: 22 June 2023